Rabbit Quiz Questions
Q- What is the difference between Lagamorphs and Rodents?
A- The difference is that Lagamorphs have 6 front incisors, while Rodents only have 4. The extra teeth in a Lagamorph are called peg teeth, they are located behind the upper front incisors.
Q- How many breeds of rabbits are currently recognized (registerable) by the ARBA?
A- There are now 48 rabbit breeds recognized by the ARBA. The newest addition is the Lionhead, which was passed on as a breed at the 2013 ARBA national convention.
Q- How many are rabbits and how many are hares?
A- All of the recognized breeds are rabbits, even though they may have 'Hare' in their name like the Belgian Hare. Rabbits have different gestation periods then hares do. While domesticated rabbits are born blind and helpless, hare kits are born with open eyes. Therefor all the ARBA recognized breeds are rabbits.
Q- What is the difference between a '4' group and a '6' group?
A- The difference between 4 class and 6 class is that 4 class refers to rabbits that have the age classification of Junior Buck, Junior Doe, Senior Buck, Senior Doe. Usually smaller sized breeds. 6 class refers to rabbits that have the age classification of Pre-junior Bucks and Does, Junior Bucks and Does, Intermediate Bucks, Intermediate Does, Senior Bucks, Senior does. Or sometimes Junior Bucks, Junior Does, Intermediate Bucks, Intermediate Does, Senior Bucks, Senior does. The 6 class breeds are larger sized rabbits.
Q- How many fur types are there?
There are four fur types. Rex, Satin, Wool, and Normal - under normal are Flyback and Rollback and unofficially written, Standing.
Q- What was the ARBA originally called?
There were actually two names before American Rabbit Breeders Association. The association was first known as the National Pet Stock Association. (I think in the late 1800s..) At this time there were several rabbits as pets, mainly the typical ruby eyed white or a broken. Not officially any pure breed. Then later as they increased purely raised breeds they changed the name to the National Breeder and Fancier Association. Then (I think in 1910..) they changed the name to American Rabbit Breeders Association because the purposes for raising rabbits was changing. Meat and fur rabbits were becoming more popular and pets were becoming less popular at that time.
Q- What was the first rabbit breed to be recognized by and register-able in the new ARBA?
A- The first rabbit breed to be recognized by the ARBA was the Belgian Hare.
Q- What is the difference between Showroom Variety and Registration Variety?
A- The difference between Showroom Variety and Registration Variety is that Showroom Variety is the simplified version of the color(s) it is also typically a group of colors. When showing a rabbit you would show it under its' Showroom Variety. Registration Variety is the more detailed color it is the color that gets written on the rabbit's pedigree.
Example: Showroom variety= Otter, Registration variety= Blue Otter
See how one is the group and the other is the specific color in the group? A list of the breeds and their colors are in the link below.
Q- How many teeth does a rabbit have?
A- A rabbit has 28 teeth. (4 front incisors, 2 peg teeth, 6 upper pre-molars, 4 lower pre-molars, 6 upper molars, 6 lower molars, and + cheek teeth.
Q- How many vertebrae does a rabbit have?
A- A rabbit has 46 vertebrae.
Q- What are "lap spots"?
A- Lap Spots are in agouti and tan patterned breeds. It is the line that runs along the stomach and the leg/hip.
Q- What are ''pea spots''?
A- Pea Spots are located on the base of the ear on a Tan breed.
Q- What is a Meat Pen?
A- A meat pen is a group of three rabbits of equal qualities. They MUST be the same breed and variety. Similar in weight and body type. Gender does not matter.
Q- What is the definition of a disqualification?
A- A permanent or non-permanent issue that the rabbit has, causing the rabbit to not place.