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Color Genetics


I have included a few links to websites that has in depth answers and descriptions for genetics. Later on I will include details and explanation on genetics.


A              Agouti
at             Tan/Otter
a              Self

B              Black
b              Brown

C              Full/normal color
cchd         Dark Chinchilla
cchl          Light Chinchilla
cchl/chl    Shaded
ch            Pointed White 
c              White

D             Dense
d              Dilute

E              Normal Extension
Es            Steel
ej             Japanese (random extension)
e              Non Extension

Enen        Broken
enen        Solid
EnEn        Charlie (with more then 80% color or less then 10% color)   

VV            Not showing Vienna
Vv            Showing Vienna traits
vv             Vienna (BEW)

Rufus:      Latin for red. Rufus gene increases red gene. Not truly able to be predicted, not truly a gene.  Difference between high rufus orange


So many genes are put together to get one color.  Example the color Black (solid).
color: Solid Black = a (self), B (black base), C (full/normal color), D (dense), E (normal extension), enen (solid)
All of that for one color. But that can change depending on what the rabbit carries. If it comes from a chinchilla then it would carry agouti, but it might not show it. This is known as a Self Chin Black. Which looks like this:
color: Solid Black = a (self), B (black base), Cchd (dark chinchilla), D (dense), E (normal extension), enen (solid)
If the a allele was A (agouti) then the color would appear as a Chinchilla. One gene can affect the entire color.



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