I established this to help kids and adults alike. My goal is that this may be a valued source of information on rabbits. Since today's day and age is so involved with various online activities, why not have most of the information you need for rabbits and shows in one place online? For kids that do showmanship, wouldn't it be nice to be able to study right before being called to the table on your phone or tablet? (for those who have one.)
I am going to make it my goal for this site to provide answers to your questions! Any additional information, tips, and advice on rabbits or showing that you would like to share with everyone, then please contact me. I will look over the information, and it could very well make it to this site.
Please sign the guest book if you like the site. Share it with your rabbit friends! 4H clubs or other rabbit groups might find this helpful as a resource. I would love to hear from you!
If you have any topics that you would like me to cover then contact me and I will try and cover them.
Hope everyone has a pleasant day!
A huge thank you goes to Abbie's Artsy Rabbitry ~ Rabbits and Custom Artwork for designing the lovely logo for the Rabbit Guide!
Welcome to the Rabbit Guide! Est April 2014, new improved site November 2014
ARBA American Rabbit Breeders Association
The ARBA was created to help develop, improve, and promote rabbits. ARBA also tries to provide a source of information so that people who own / raise rabbits can have the opportunity to grow in knowledge. All ages are allowed to join. There are many benefits to joining--such as a copy of the Official Guidebook To Raising Better Rabbits & Cavies (free with the initial membership). This has all the information you need to raise happy, healthy rabbits. You also get a subscription to Domestic Rabbits magazine that comes bi-monthly. You can also get your rabbits registered and receive a Grand Champion certification and other privileges. It is well worth joining so I encourage you to be a part of their great community--if you aren't already!
4-H Join the revolution of responsibility
"I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to a larger service, and my health to a better living. For my club, my community, my country, and my world."
I greatly encourage kids between the ages of 8-18 to be a part of 4-H. There are many different projects you can join, not just rabbits. 4-H gives a great chance to learn things hands on. You can participate in shows and contests. There are a great deal of things that 4-H offers to it's youth. You can learn life skills and be a part of a great community. The quote above is the 4-H pledge, it is more then just words.