Rabbits can groom themselves but they need help with things they can’t take care of.
1. Their nails need to be trimmed.
Regular finger nail clippers are exceptional, small dog clippers, cat clippers, or rabbit clippers are best.
2. Their anal glands need cleaned.
To do this you need baby oil and Q-tips . Wet the Q-tip with the Baby Oil, clean all the gunk out of their anal glands (sorry for choice of words but that is what it’s called). It isn’t very nice cleaning their anal glands but if it is not cleaned, they will start stinking and could develop Vent Disease.
3. Brushed or combed.
A regular comb or flea comb will work, as well as a wire brush. You want to make sure that your bunny doesn’t have matted fur.
4. Clean their ears
To do this you will need Baby oil and Q-tips. Wet the Q-tip with the Baby Oil and wipe around the inside of the ear. This gets ride of any ear mites that might be in you rabbit’s ears.
Some people give their rabbits baths because they might live inside, but your bunny will do that themselves. Please don’t give your bunny a bath, they clean themselves with their tongue, like a cat. The only time that you should even think about bathing a rabbit is when its' rear is completely urine soaked and the fur is matted with urine. Then it should be bathed.