Rabbit Breeds, Descriptions, and Breif History
There are 48 breeds recognized by the ARBA. That isn't counting the breeds with a COD (Certificate of Development) and breeds that are in other countries. I will list the recognized breeds on here in alphabetical order. Also I hope to later on include a brief history as well as varieties, body type,
pictures, 4 or 6 class, and maybe a few other details. The references used for the history of the breeds are Domestic Rabbits & Their Histories ~ Breeds of the World by Bob D. Whiteman, and Raising Better Rabbits & Cavies by The ARBA. All photos are from the ARBA website or from breeders with permission to post on this site.
For those who are doing breed ID, there is a form that the ARBA made that has all the need to know info for Breed ID. You may access the form here.
American Chinchilla
American Fuzzy Lop
American Sable
Belgian Hare
Blanc de Hotot
Britannia Petite
Champagne d'Argent
Checkered Giant
Creme d'Argent
Dwarf Hotot
English Angora
English Lop
English Spot
Flemish Giant
Florida White
French Angora
French Lop
Giant Angora
Giant Chinchilla
Body Type: Semi Arch
Fur Type: Normal-Flyback
Class: 6
Varieties: Blue and White
Brief History: Originated in the USA. The breed was developed in Pasadena, California, by Lewis H. Salisbury and was recognized as a breed in 1918 by what is now called the ARBA. The American's original name was the German Blue Vienna, however was changed to American due to World War 1. Due to Lewis H. Salisbury's secrecy regarding the breeds included in the development of the American, we can only be theorizing over the breeds included. People suspect the Blue Flemish Giant, Blue Vienna, Blue Beveren, and Blue Imperials (all have Semi Arch type) were apart of the breeding program to produce the American.
American Chinchilla
Body Type: Commercial
Fur Type: Normal-Rollback
Class: 6
Varieties: Standard (Chinchilla)
Brief History: A Heritage breed, strictly of American origin. The AmChin consist of mainly the Standard Chinchilla. Back in the day, breeders would take the largest Standard Chinchillas and often some New Zealands so that they would get a larger usable pelt and more meat. (See Standard Chinchilla history for more info on what was put into the American Chinchilla.)
American Fuzzy Lop
Body Type: Compact
Fur Type: Wool
Class: 4
Varieties: Broken and Solid pattern (see Breed ID form)
Brief History: An American creation, by accident at first. Holland lops, when they were newer to the ARBA rabbit world, only came in Solid Varieties. They wanted to introduce brokens so they bred to the English spot, it produced brokens, but with one side effect... flyback fur. So in order to get rollback fur, required for Holland lops, they breed the flyback coat Holland Lops to French Angoras. This did intact improve the fur type however it introduced the wool gene into the Lops. Patty Greene-Karl was the lady that fixed some gene/traits to developed the breed. She also presented the breed at ARBA National Convention in 1985, it passed on for the first showing, the next year it was passed for the second showing. In 1987, the breed failed the showing. The Standard was changed and in 1988 the American Fuzzy Lop was passed as a breed.
American Sable
Body Type: Commercial
Fur Type: Normal-Rollback
Brief History:
Holland Lop
Jersey Wooly
Mini Lop
Mini Rex
Mini Satin
Netherland Dwarf
New Zealand
Satin Angora
Silver Fox
Silver Marten
Standard Chinchilla