Rabbit Handling
Pictures and descriptions of how to handle rabbits, along with health check info.
(Pictures comming soon!!)

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Check the nose of the rabbit:
When you check the nose, you should gently turn the rabbit over in your arms. Then you take your thumb and pointer finger of the available hand and gently touch the nose to see if there is any mucus (which is a sign of disease).

Check the eyes of the rabbit:
To check the eyes of the rabbit, simply pose the rabbit to the side, gently hold the eye open, and look at the eye. Then turn the rabbit to check the other side. When you look at the eye, you are looking for any signs of blindness or dullness.
If you see any 'leakage' from the eye/tear duct then examine the color of the discharge. If it is clear then the rabbit could be stressed or possibly has allergies. If the discharge is thick and white or yellow, then the rabbit has a serious bacterial disease and should not be in contact with any other animal.

Check the ears of the rabbit:
To check the ears of the rabbit, simply pose the rabbit to the side and look inside the ear. Then turn the rabbit to check the other side. You need to check the inside of the ear for any signs of ear mites. Look for any scabby spots, that is a sign of ear mites. If they are not treated with baby oil (coating the inside of the ear) hen the rabbit could develop ear cranker.

Pet from tail to head. Also blow into the fur.

Pet from tail to head. Also blow into the fur.
Check the fur:
To check the fur, all you have to do is stroke the coat from the tail to the neck of the rabbit and then blow gently the same way as you stroked the rabbit. This allows you to check the fur's color. If you have a rabbit with an agouti coat then you check the ring color while blowing on the fur. You are checking for signs of fur mites when you check the fur. The most common sign is scabs on the neck.

Run your fingers along the tailbone.

Run your fingers along the tailbone.
Check the straightness of the rabbit's tail:
To check the straightness of the rabbit's tail you gently pull the tail straight. You will then place your index finger on top of the tail and your middle finger underneath, then you will glide your fingers across the tail until your fingers are off. You are looking for any 'breaks' or bends in the tail bone. There is something called screw tail that is not desired at all.

Check the rabbit's teeth:
To check the rabbit's teeth you must turn the rabbit over and then raise the lips so that you have a visual on the front teeth. You are looking for malocclusion.

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Check the nails of the rabbit:
comming soon

Check the straightness of the front and hind legs:
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Check the gender of the rabbit:
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Check the vents of the rabbit:
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Check the heart rate of the rabbit:
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Check the rabbit's breathing:
COmming soon

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Check the rabbit's temperature:
comming soon